Large Pottery Lamp Base Possibly Signed Gregory to Base
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Re: Large Pottery Lamp Base Possibly Signed Gregory to Base
I know it doesnt look like a t but is it possible last bit is Tregony?
benwilliams- Number of posts : 2419
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27
Re: Large Pottery Lamp Base Possibly Signed Gregory to Base
Surname looks like Gregory but not sure what the first letter is. J?
I guess the question is, is it Ian Gregory. I’ve not seen his signature so I couldn’t say
I guess the question is, is it Ian Gregory. I’ve not seen his signature so I couldn’t say
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Large Pottery Lamp Base Possibly Signed Gregory to Base
Yes I wondered if it was Ian Gregory but his stuff is normally stamped and not signed...but perhaps earlier before he used a stamp mark?
Re: Large Pottery Lamp Base Possibly Signed Gregory to Base
It doesn't look like Ian's work to me and his first pottery was earthenware and then raku and so not stoneware like this. When he first used stoneware c 1975 it was salt-glazed.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Large Pottery Lamp Base Possibly Signed Gregory to Base
Yes I didn't think it followed his general style. Reminds me more of some of the Cornish stuff...
tis a mystery....
tis a mystery....
Re: Large Pottery Lamp Base Possibly Signed Gregory to Base
It might be a fine artist having a go at studio pottery.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
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