Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British?

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Is This Early Falcon Pottery Figurine Early American Folk Art or English Staffordshire Pottery?

Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Vote_lcap0%Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Vote_lcap0%Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Empty Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British?

Post by knutzkollect March 28th 2022, 6:02 am

A very interesting and early looking stoneware pottery colorful glazed Falcon bird Figurine measuring 8.5 inches high needing to know if it is early American or Early British make? Appeciate any Information I canEarly Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Img_7110
Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Img_7112
Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Img_7111
get! Thank You! Gary K

Number of posts : 5
Location : 1625 main st., ferndale, wa. 98248
Registration date : 2021-11-12

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Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Empty Re: Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British?

Post by NaomiM March 28th 2022, 11:24 am

It’s a style of construction more commonly seen in Chinese figural pottery but I haven’t seen one decorated like this before so I can’t say if it’s Asian or a Western version

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Empty Re: Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British?

Post by knutzkollect March 28th 2022, 4:12 pm

Thanks Naomi! Will just have to wait it out to see if someone out there can figure it out. Gary k

Number of posts : 5
Location : 1625 main st., ferndale, wa. 98248
Registration date : 2021-11-12

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Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British? Empty Re: Early Looking Pottery Falcon Bird Figurine - Is it American or British?

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