Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please!

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Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! Empty Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please!

Post by Silver Pete March 16th 2022, 6:03 pm

Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! P1140512
Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! P1140510
Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! P1140511Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! P1140513
Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! P1140514
Picked this up in a local charity shop for two quid! Plenty of tea stains inside so not just a cabinet piece! Who made it though? Frank somebody or other?

Last edited by NaomiM on March 16th 2022, 6:13 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : more pics)
Silver Pete
Silver Pete

Male Number of posts : 185
Location : Chesterfield UK
Registration date : 2021-03-18

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Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! Empty Re: Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please!

Post by NaomiM March 16th 2022, 6:13 pm

I’m reading ‘Frank Caniglio’

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! Empty Re: Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please!

Post by Silver Pete March 17th 2022, 5:53 am

I have found a Frank Coniglio with a similar signature but I'm not convinced. The mark on the tea pot seems to read Ceu....?? It has been well used which I like to see. All too often these things are bought as a souvenir and never see active service. Let's see if there are any other suggestions. Thanks for your effort Naomi.
Silver Pete
Silver Pete

Male Number of posts : 185
Location : Chesterfield UK
Registration date : 2021-03-18

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Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please! Empty Re: Lovely teapot signed Frank Caniglio? ID please!

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