Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery

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Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery Empty Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery

Post by potterymad62 March 10th 2022, 3:50 pm

Pick up this great salt pig today by Joanne McGee, The Fosspotz Pottery, Shute Lane Porthleven Cornwall. Dissolved in October 2009, she closed up due to personal reasons. I have included pictures of her potting, the studio workshop and outside of the pottery. Not a pottery you hear much about or find.

Ran from 1995-2009.

Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery Pxl_2191
Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery Pxl_2192
Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery Pxl_2193

Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery Pxl_2194
Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery 4610_810
Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery 4610_811
Joanne McGee Salt Pig, Fosspotz Pottery 4610_812

Male Number of posts : 893
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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