Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin

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Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  Empty Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin

Post by sarah3645 February 18th 2022, 1:54 pm

A lovely jug that is signed, doesn’t look British to me but I’m usually wrong. Any help would be appreciated thank you

Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  173bd910
Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  88b15a10
Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  0e4de810

Number of posts : 177
Location : Cheshire
Registration date : 2020-07-21

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Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  Empty Re: Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin

Post by sarah3645 February 18th 2022, 1:56 pm

Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  40f36710
Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  71942c10
Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  50c32010

Number of posts : 177
Location : Cheshire
Registration date : 2020-07-21

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Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  Empty Re: Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin

Post by NaomiM February 18th 2022, 2:07 pm

Signed S Day, maybe.
Moved to ID My Pottery section

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  Empty Re: Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin

Post by sarah3645 February 18th 2022, 2:22 pm

Many thanks Naomi

Number of posts : 177
Location : Cheshire
Registration date : 2020-07-21

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Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin  Empty Re: Can anyone help identify the maker and country of origin

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