Help identifying signature

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Help identifying signature Empty Help identifying signature

Post by charlie007 February 11th 2022, 10:41 pm

does anyone recognise this studio pottery mark?
The vase is similar to the Jacques Pouchain vase as seen in the last photo, but it is not his work.
Any help would be appreciated.

Help identifying signature 14812
Help identifying signature 148b12
Help identifying signature 148e12
Help identifying signature 148ee10
Help identifying signature 148hh10

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Help identifying signature Empty Re: Help identifying signature

Post by PotteryMaim September 4th 2022, 3:53 am

The vase strongly resembles my Japan-made hollow votive lamp in the form of a fish. Style, hues, eye shape, texture of glaze and clay body, those coindot alterations to indicate featheres, are in the scales place on mine.
Mine has an old foil "made in Japan" sticker on it.

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Help identifying signature Empty Re: Help identifying signature

Post by NaomiM September 4th 2022, 1:09 pm

Looking at the stilt scars, I think Scandinavian is more likely. I don't think the Japanese use that form of stilts in the kiln

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Help identifying signature Empty Re: Help identifying signature

Post by PotteryMaim September 4th 2022, 10:28 pm

There's my something new for the day; the shape and placement of Scandinavian stilt scars. Love this place!

Number of posts : 22
Location : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2022-08-26

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