Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell

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Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell Empty Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell

Post by rbrown January 7th 2022, 12:37 pm

Hi, good afternoon , and a happy new year to everyone.
Could someone please help with more information on this beautiful plate.
It is signed on the back. Tzū Chou. KTH.78.
9.3/4" Dia.
Thank you.
Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell 20220110
Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell 20220111
Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell 20220112

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Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell Empty Re: Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell

Post by NaomiM January 7th 2022, 1:19 pm

A Rousay Heritage Walk by Christopher J. Harris, published in 1978, mentions The Orkney Pottery. I'm assuming Frank Harris is the potter or potter's son; he is mentioned elsewhere: "Made By Frank Harris of Lighthouse Pottery In Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway Scotland", KTH might be a family member. I suspect Tzu Chou was staying there on a summer pottery course   

"A Craft Pottery halfway between Rousay pier and Midhowe Broch producing a select range of handthrown Stoneware and PorceIain fired to a high temperature. A range of work is always on display in the showroom, where coffee and scones are available. Frank Harris, Banks, Rousay. (Rousay 266)"

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell Empty Re: Orkney Pottery Rousay, signed Tzū Chou - Frank Harris & Christine Campbell

Post by rbrown January 7th 2022, 11:32 pm

Thank you.

Male Number of posts : 147
Location : england
Registration date : 2010-05-26

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