Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design

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Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design Empty Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design

Post by benwilliams January 5th 2022, 2:53 pm

Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design
I think they are lily of valley?
No mark. Hand thrown.
Possibly continental? Scandinavian or Swiss maybe?
Any ideas?
Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design 1e6dc310
Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design 13bad810
Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design Dee05710

Number of posts : 2527
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design Empty Re: Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design

Post by NaomiM January 5th 2022, 3:43 pm

It might be Swiss, or one of the early 20thC Torquay potteries

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design Empty Re: Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design

Post by benwilliams January 5th 2022, 4:30 pm

I hadn’t thought Torquay. I can check with someone locally. Thanks.

Number of posts : 2527
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design Empty Re: Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design

Post by benwilliams January 6th 2022, 9:38 am

I can’t see any Swiss Thun pieces with lily of valley as a motif. And I’m not sure if any Torquay Potteries threw pots and then added sprigged decoration. Not that knowledgeable about Torquay even though it’s local. And it’s hard to get an idea of date. Bit stumped.

Number of posts : 2527
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design Empty Re: Studio pottery Pear money box, sprigged lily of valley design

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