Figurine signed VH mark, 1947

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Figurine signed VH mark, 1947 Empty Figurine signed VH mark, 1947

Post by geraintwoolford Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:14 pm

I have been trying to identify the origin and maker of this figurine. She stands 24cm tall, and has the date 1947 on it. I would appreciate any assistance once again.
Figurine signed VH mark, 1947 10750b10
Figurine signed VH mark, 1947 10750h10
Figurine signed VH mark, 1947 10750i10

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Figurine signed VH mark, 1947 Empty Re: Figurine signed VH mark, 1947

Post by studio-pots Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:51 pm

I am not trying to be negative about it, as I think that it looks very attractive; is decorated very well and appears to be a fine casting of the figure.

The initials and date suggest that it could have been a blank that was bought and then decorated by someone with the initials V H.

If the blank was British manufacture then it would have to have been sold undecorated, as in the 1940s only plain wares were able to be sold in the UK because of the restrictions after the war.

However, I accept that I could be completely wrong.

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Figurine signed VH mark, 1947 Empty Re: Figurine signed VH mark, 1947

Post by denbydump Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:50 am

I wonder if there was just no flat area suitable for a factory mark?

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Figurine signed VH mark, 1947 Empty Re: Figurine signed VH mark, 1947

Post by NaomiM Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:06 am

American, maybe? There was a ban on manufacturers making decorative pieces during the War; I don’t know when that was repealed

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Figurine signed VH mark, 1947 Empty Re: Figurine signed VH mark, 1947

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