Unusual Bob Dawe pot

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Unusual Bob Dawe pot Empty Unusual Bob Dawe pot

Post by LankyLinda Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:47 pm

I recently bought this brown pot as it caught my eye and is very different to the other pieces of Bob Dawe which I own. It has 4 holes in the top and was described asUnusual Bob Dawe pot 20211113 a 'pebble pot.' I have no idea when it dates to or what it would be used for.

Number of posts : 33
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2021-02-07

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Unusual Bob Dawe pot Empty Re: Unusual Bob Dawe pot

Post by NaomiM Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:37 pm

I’ve cropped the photo. Does it have Dawe’s Red Barn mark?

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Unusual Bob Dawe pot Empty Re: Unusual Bob Dawe pot

Post by philpot Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:10 am

There was a brief fascination for naturalised pebble pots in the late 60's early 70's. Mary Rogers did them early on in her career, and I think a number of potters in what you might term the Wallwork/Rooke school (with which you could loosely associate Bob Dawe) played around with them a bit. But they did not seem to catch on in a big way.

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Unusual Bob Dawe pot Empty Re: Unusual Bob Dawe pot

Post by LankyLinda Fri Nov 26, 2021 7:05 am

Thanks for the info.

Number of posts : 33
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2021-02-07

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