Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry

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Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry  Empty Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry

Post by kettlaness Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:20 pm

It is a common misconception that the pottery was in Hengoed in Wales, but the Hengoed Pottery was actually based in Shropshire - specifically at Upper Hengoed, just North of Oswestry.  The pottery was owned by a chap called Cyril Charlton and his wife (I can't remember her name).  My family owned a pub from 1981 - 2007 called The Last Inn and the pottery was about 1/4 of a mile away.  Cyril was a chap with a big moustache - he looked rather like Jimmy Edwards;he'd previously worked for Monsanto Chemicals.  Cyril and his wife, both died about 20 years ago.  The pottery (& kiln) was actually an annex to the bungalow in which they lived.  I know the current owner very well and when he bought the place, he 'inherited' the kiln and many pieces of Hengoed pottery - I've a couple of pieces myself.


Number of posts : 1
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2017-11-21

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Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry  Empty Re: Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry

Post by NaomiM Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:28 pm

Very useful information. Many thanks Most Excellent

Some examples

Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry  Img_6715

Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry  Img_6717

Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry  Img_6718

Last edited by NaomiM on Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry  Empty Hengoed Pottery, Cyril Seaton

Post by brin mcardle Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:26 am

Thanks !
brin mcardle
brin mcardle

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Cyril Charlton, Hengoed Pottery, Oswestry  Empty Hengoed pottery

Post by Helen ormerod Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:54 am

Hi. I saw a post about the Hengoed pottery. I was interested as Cyril Charlton was my father and Peggy Charlton was my mum. I am also a Potter living and working in Berkshire.
Did you know them well, it's a long time ago now!
Helen Ormerod
Helen ormerod
Helen ormerod

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