Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand

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Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand Empty Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand

Post by fixit_bear October 4th 2008, 6:53 pm

Although this is well marked I would like to find out anything about the maker. I have found positive references to two Jeppes, one is a young contemporary artist not known as a potter, the other is a potter whose hand made abstract pieces sell for mega money - unless he also had a more commercial line going I can't see any evidence this is his!! It is however a nice vase. The motif is sunk into the pot rather than applied. It is 19cm tall.

Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand Jeppe_10

Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand Jeppe_11

Male Number of posts : 137
Location : Leicestershire UK
Registration date : 2008-04-19

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Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand Empty Re: Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand

Post by big ed October 4th 2008, 7:49 pm

The only Jeppe I Know is Jeppe Hagedorn -olsen , ( see thread )but the one I have posted is a studio piece with hand scribbled signature ,
big ed
big ed

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Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand Empty Re: Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand

Post by Orpheus October 5th 2008, 9:19 am

Found a Jeppe vase here:

Male Number of posts : 417
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Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand Empty Re: Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand

Post by fixit_bear October 5th 2008, 11:28 am

Well spotted I'll e-mail them to see if they know more. Thanks

Male Number of posts : 137
Location : Leicestershire UK
Registration date : 2008-04-19

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Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand Empty Re: Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand

Post by fixit_bear October 6th 2008, 9:27 pm

Reply from Outernational says they were made at Orla Jeppesen factory in Zealand but have no other information. The pieces they have seen are all green and black

Male Number of posts : 137
Location : Leicestershire UK
Registration date : 2008-04-19

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Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand Empty Re: Jeppe Denmark - Orla Jeppesen, Zealand

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