Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help?

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Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? Empty Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help?

Post by tipton444 November 11th 2021, 5:21 pm

Hello all!

I'm happy to have found this forum and I'm excited to use it.  I acquired this unusual vase at an auction some time ago, and I was hoping I would have figured out the maker's mark by now but I haven't.  Has anyone seen this mark before?  It came with some Asian pieces but I don't think it's Asian.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks

Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? 20211010
Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? 20211011
Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? 20211012
Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? 20211013
Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? 20211014
Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? 20211015

Number of posts : 2
Location : Massachusetts
Registration date : 2021-11-11

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Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? Empty Re: Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help?

Post by NaomiM November 11th 2021, 5:50 pm

Quality piece. I don’t think it’s Asian. Possibly an MD monogram. I checked The Marks Project website but unfortunately they don’t have an entry for this mark

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Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? Empty Re: Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help?

Post by tipton444 November 11th 2021, 6:50 pm

Great, thanks for checking Naomi! It definitely is a really well-made piece of pottery, and I think it has some good age to it. I thought the mark could be the initials "MD" as well at first, but depending on which way you look at it, it can change. Upside down, or the opposite direction, looks like a fancy "V" inside a circle. Hmm... I'll wait to see if anyone else has any thoughts or info, thanks.


Number of posts : 2
Location : Massachusetts
Registration date : 2021-11-11

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Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help? Empty Re: Unusual Very Large Yellow Glazed Vase w/ Mark.. help?

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