Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

Post by Journeybooks October 28th 2021, 4:08 pm

Someone suggested this pitcher might be Joanna Constantinidis work?
Or is it American art pottery? Anyone know maker?
Thank you,

Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Img_2112
Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Img_2110
Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Img_2111

Number of posts : 28
Location : Perry, Michigan
Registration date : 2019-05-05

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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Re: Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

Post by NaomiM October 28th 2021, 4:24 pm

It's a molded piece so may not be studio pottery. Not by Joanna Constantinidis

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Re: Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

Post by studio-pots October 29th 2021, 9:47 am

Yes, it's almost certainly factory made, in quantity. The glaze looks good, which suggests to me that it is fairly modern and might have be made in China for an American company.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Re: Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

Post by Journeybooks October 29th 2021, 3:38 pm

Thanks. I've seen it listed as Bauer Pottery but when I went through listed designs I did not see this particular unusual design. The copyright symbol would only have been used after 1954 and California potteries seemed to have incised this mark often but always with their name. The search continues ....

Number of posts : 28
Location : Perry, Michigan
Registration date : 2019-05-05

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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Re: Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

Post by philpot October 29th 2021, 4:54 pm

The C is probably a Copyright symbol. Not something you see much on pottery.

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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Re: Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

Post by paveybe October 29th 2021, 8:09 pm

America is very strict about copyrighting and that, as mentioned, is an unusual design - I imagine the little shelf there is intended to catch any drips from the lip of the jug? - so that may be what the mark is intended to copyright i.e. the vessel's design.

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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Re: Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

Post by Journeybooks October 30th 2021, 3:40 pm

Your comments gave me some helpful ideas and I found out you can search issued copyrights. Not a lot of potteries obtained copyrights. Stangl did. But what I found was that in 1944 the Cayuga Pottery Company in Ithaca, NY obtained a copyright for a pottery they called "Cornell Pitcher", also for some figurines like "Darby Deer." This was in the copyrights up to mid 1970s. I will have to search later also.
I know they used paper labels on the figurines but cannot find anything out about them. Any suggestions as to how to research the company?

Number of posts : 28
Location : Perry, Michigan
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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Re: Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

Post by paveybe October 30th 2021, 5:15 pm

I am not as knowledgeable as the experts on this site, so apart from the usual manual online search,the only things I would suggest are
a) using more than one search engine, not just Google; different ones may bring up different results. Also vary the search terms
b) use the academic literature too - there is a lot of interest in twentieth century decorative objects, and someone may have written about these issues, although it is a long shot at best, and you may want to throw your computer out of the window by the time you have finished...
Good luck with your search

Number of posts : 81
Location : North Yorkshire UK
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Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ?? Empty Re: Pitcher with C inside Circle? Art Pottery? Or Joanna Constantinidis ??

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