Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked

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Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked Empty Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked

Post by benwilliams October 20th 2021, 2:32 pm

Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked
Looks like salt glaze with incised design
I’m not hopeful of an ID without a mark but I thought the shape is pretty distinctive.
Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked 5498f510
Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked 0f5c2410
Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked F4425110

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Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked Empty Re: Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked

Post by philpot October 20th 2021, 5:21 pm

It is a nice piece, obviously done by a skilled professional Potter. But after that? It is very difficult to day much more Shrugs

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Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked Empty Re: Studio stoneware footed bowl, unmarked

Post by olipayton October 20th 2021, 5:55 pm

That's nice!

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