Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark

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Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark  Empty Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark

Post by ClaraIreland2 October 2nd 2021, 2:46 pm

Can anyone identify the maker of my small pot. I think it may be signed A P or A D or A D. Very difficult to decide but my best idea is A. D. I have looked on BISPM - great site but not sure. Any help much appreciated, and thanks for lookingHandwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark  Dscn6811
Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark  Dscn6812
Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark  Dscn6810

Number of posts : 193
Location : Birmingham
Registration date : 2014-01-27

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Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark  Empty Re: Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark

Post by NaomiM October 2nd 2021, 7:42 pm

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark  Empty Re: Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark

Post by benwilliams October 3rd 2021, 12:21 pm

Also not ghastly. I have had a few truly ghastly pots and I wonder why I got them!

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Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark  Empty Re: Handwritten iniials on stoneware small vase - AD or AP mark

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