Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?

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Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?  Empty Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?

Post by benwilliams September 18th 2021, 9:47 am

Stoneware bowl, toasted outside, green inside, DC mark
I presumed Derek Clarkson when I bought it but can’t see similar online and mark is in circle rather than square.
Known maker? ( nicely made bowl )
Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?  D76d4610
Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?  Db83d210
Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?  F6995d10

Number of posts : 2455
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?  Empty Re: Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?

Post by philpot September 18th 2021, 1:05 pm

Delan Cookson had a somewhat similar looking mark early in his career. Only the DC was vertical. Early undocumented mark? Given that it is a fairly standard looking Leach type bowl, this is probably the type of ware that people produced early in their career. Equally, this type of bowl was Very popular in the 60's 70's.

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Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?  Empty Re: Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?

Post by NaomiM September 18th 2021, 2:36 pm

There have been a few bowls in this style turning up recently. Most of them unmarked. I suspect it's a Leach-trained potter from the 90s-early 2000s.

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Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?  Empty Re: Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?

Post by benwilliams September 18th 2021, 6:16 pm

Thanks Phil and Naomi. It’s a nice bowl but a bit chippy - I just wanted to know.

Number of posts : 2455
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?  Empty Re: Stoneware studio bowl, DC Derek Clarkson?

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