Studio cylinder vase, Graham Glynn or Graham Newing?

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Studio cylinder vase, Graham Glynn or Graham Newing?  Empty Studio cylinder vase, Graham Glynn or Graham Newing?

Post by benwilliams July 28th 2021, 9:29 am

Stoneware vase, cylinder shape.
Nicely decorated with drip glazing, tenmoku glaze inside.
No mark
Studio cylinder vase, Graham Glynn or Graham Newing?  B1fc9210
Studio cylinder vase, Graham Glynn or Graham Newing?  9468e010

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Studio cylinder vase, Graham Glynn or Graham Newing?  Empty Re: Studio cylinder vase, Graham Glynn or Graham Newing?

Post by NaomiM July 28th 2021, 11:53 am

Graham Glynn did a similar style of decoration but so did others and he almost always stamped his vases GG so probably not his. Graham Newing also had similar decoration but didn’t always mark his potsĀ 
I’ve added their names to the title so I can find it again.

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