Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

Post by benwilliams July 22nd 2021, 4:46 pm

Well thrown and glazed 10” footed bowl.
Looks quality. Speckled olive green glaze with blue tinges.
I’m hoping the style of glazing around the mark would be an unusual thing and might help with ID.
I couldn’t see the mark in the foreign language marks in the book.
Thank you, as ever.
I’ve put photos of the mark in 4 positions as I don’t know how to read it.
Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? 78cdb010
Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? 86e44510
Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? E7f35c10

Number of posts : 2531
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

Post by benwilliams July 22nd 2021, 4:46 pm

Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? 1855eb10
Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? 9a010510
Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? 6e48d810

Number of posts : 2531
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

Post by benwilliams July 22nd 2021, 4:47 pm

Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? 47372d10

Number of posts : 2531
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

Post by NaomiM July 22nd 2021, 5:03 pm

Certainly Japanese but I'm afraid I cant read the mark

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

Post by benwilliams July 22nd 2021, 5:24 pm

Thank you. Maybe someone else will recognise the mark.

Number of posts : 2531
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

Post by studio-pots July 25th 2021, 12:55 pm

It looks like the type of indistinctive mark used by a factory producing Japanese wares for export. Like this, they are usually of very good quality but the retail price, in the UK and elsewhere when new, is low.

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

Post by studio-pots July 25th 2021, 12:58 pm

As with most Japanese marks, even by the best potters, the marks are unreadable by the Japanese themselves.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

Post by benwilliams July 26th 2021, 4:31 pm

That’s good to know - I won’t ask a Japanese colleague to translate it then.

Number of posts : 2531
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese? Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, foreign mark, Japanese?

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