Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book????

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Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book???? Empty Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book????

Post by LEGSY June 18th 2021, 2:19 pm

Got this at the weekend on a whim not exactly sure why lol but it
seemed a fun piece in the early hours of the morning, It is a money box
in the form a book but made of pottery the design is a bit Kitsch or Risky
love to get opinions on it thanks
Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book???? P1010414
Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book???? P1010415
Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book???? P1010413

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Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book???? Empty Re: Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book????

Post by studio-pots June 18th 2021, 2:43 pm

I think that the language used is Danish rather than German and the type of decoration rather than the cartoon design does have a Danish feel too.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book???? Empty Re: Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book????

Post by denbydump June 18th 2021, 3:18 pm

It translates from German to Telephone cash.
It's screaming Italian to me, made for the German market?

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Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book???? Empty Re: Unusual Unmarked Kitsch Moneybox in form of a book????

Post by philpot June 18th 2021, 4:15 pm

It reminds me of some American adult cartoon characters.The Dumb Blonde with short skirt and cigarette in mouth chatting up the phone bills. With the bloke pretend shooting himself at the cost. The artwork is very much 50's/60's American tabloid newspaper/Magazine style.

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