Art Deco plafonnier

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Art Deco plafonnier  Empty Art Deco plafonnier

Post by jonspencer June 16th 2021, 4:22 pm

I bought the glass only in Italy because Art Deco designs always fascinated me but I usually only buy 50s to 70s glass lighting

seems it might be French and I must confess to probably hanging it upside down initially ;-)
Art Deco plafonnier  Art_de11
Art Deco plafonnier  Art_de10

does anybody recognise the glass pattern?

I need to dig it out of my workshop to inspect it more closely for a signature or clue to its origin

50 cm diameter

with the right fixture it should look fabulous

comments appreciated

Number of posts : 175
Location : Italy / UAE
Registration date : 2021-06-16

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