Bordallo Pinheiro Orange Cup & Saucer Date Help
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Bordallo Pinheiro Orange Cup & Saucer Date Help
Hello, I hope this is OK to post here as I know the ID of these pieces, but was hoping for some help understanding when they might be from. They are Bordallo Pinheiro orange cups and saucers, the stamps are all quite faded and the handles of the saucers is grey - most of the ones I can find only are green. Any ideas on how to date would be much appreciated. Thank you
Roobarb- Number of posts : 576
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-07-03
Re: Bordallo Pinheiro Orange Cup & Saucer Date Help
BP is quite hard to date. The older ones have an incised base mark rather than a printed one.
SpoonLicker- Number of posts : 394
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2017-01-30
Re: Bordallo Pinheiro Orange Cup & Saucer Date Help
Sorry for delay! Thank you for your reply, I had read about the incised mark but as you say it seems otherwise hard to date :) I think these have a bit of age to them, due to crazing and wear.
Roobarb- Number of posts : 576
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-07-03
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