Naked raku vase, CF mark

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Naked raku vase, CF mark  Empty Naked raku vase, CF mark

Post by MariaD May 23rd 2021, 3:24 pm

Hi I recently purchased this little pot i think its Raku (I’m not very knowledgable I just buy what pleasing to my eye). Anyway I purchased it facebook in NI and the lady told me her friend got it in Scotland.  I’m hoping to identify the maker and date etc.  I did see a member had posted a tread trying to identify the makers mark CF and it was very like the mark on this pot but I can’t find it Naked raku vase, CF mark  4ce56e10
Naked raku vase, CF mark  11b77310
Naked raku vase, CF mark  A78ddd10
as I’m only new and can’t navigate the site too well.  any assistance would be greatly welcomed thanks.

Number of posts : 8
Location : Belfast
Registration date : 2021-05-23

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Naked raku vase, CF mark  Empty Re: Naked raku vase, CF mark

Post by NaomiM May 23rd 2021, 5:04 pm

Yes it's pit fired or naked raku. Looks like a 'horse hair' surface decoration too.
Unfortunately they're not in the Marks book.

I've replaced your post with a link to his one, in the cup and saucer thread, in case it's not by the same potter.
Link to the other post -

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Naked raku vase, CF mark  Empty Re: Naked raku vase, CF mark

Post by MariaD May 23rd 2021, 9:08 pm

Thanks Naomi

Number of posts : 8
Location : Belfast
Registration date : 2021-05-23

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