Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base

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Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base Empty Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base

Post by Gary6563 Mon May 17, 2021 11:54 am

This large porcelain vase is approx 47cm high and 23cm diameter,, it looks like it's molded as there is seams down each side,, it is hand painted and has a strange blue mark under the base,, does anyone reconize it's origin or know what the mark is????
Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base 00215
Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base 00511
Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base 00412
Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base 00314

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Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base Empty Re: Please Help Identify Large Vase With Strange Symbol Mark Under Base

Post by NaomiM Mon May 17, 2021 12:04 pm

My first thought is Asian but I've not seen a mark like that before. Possibly late 19thC Western (French?) chinoiserie. Otherwise, possibly late 19th-early 20thC Japanese.

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