Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ?

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Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ? Empty Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ?

Post by Silver Pete April 24th 2021, 10:06 am

I have this pair of coffee mugs which I bought from the same stall on a flea market. They look like souvenir type things from a stately home or Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ? P1120818
Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ? P1120817
Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ? P1120816
cathedral but I would like to identify the pottery. One mark is a simple W, the other has a W with SP joined "Something" Pottery no doubt. Any ideas please?Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ? P1120820
Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ? P1120819
Washington Studio Pottery, Lindisfarne. ..........I just found another thread on here with the same search!!
Silver Pete
Silver Pete

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Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ? Empty Re: Coffee mugs with 2 different marks, same pottery! Any suggestions ?

Post by NaomiM April 24th 2021, 3:56 pm

We've had a few of these and they're thought to be by Washington Studio Pottery in Sunderland, although there's little or no info about them.
Came across Alan Ball's website while searching for Washington. He potted at his own studio called Washington Art Centre from the 70s-80s, although this might not be his mark. However, he set up the Northern Potters Association so might be worth contacting him to see if he can confirm the attribution.

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