Chinese tenmoku style teabowl with Bt mark - Bridget Tennent

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Chinese tenmoku style teabowl with Bt mark - Bridget Tennent Empty Chinese tenmoku style teabowl with Bt mark - Bridget Tennent

Post by studio-pots April 15th 2021, 5:36 pm

The title is to describe the shape, which is what tenmoku originally meant, before it became used for the dark brown glaze.

So I am not suggesting that it is Chinese but have no idea about it, except that it looks at least 50 years old. It's mine but I can't remember where I picked it up many years ago.

Any thoughts?

Chinese tenmoku style teabowl with Bt mark - Bridget Tennent Teabow11

Chinese tenmoku style teabowl with Bt mark - Bridget Tennent Teabow12

Chinese tenmoku style teabowl with Bt mark - Bridget Tennent Teabow13

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Chinese tenmoku style teabowl with Bt mark - Bridget Tennent Empty Re: Chinese tenmoku style teabowl with Bt mark - Bridget Tennent

Post by NaomiM April 15th 2021, 6:55 pm

I believe it's by Bridget Tennent. She was potting in Farnham in the early 90s and moved to London in the late 90s

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