Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston

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Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston  Empty Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston

Post by Timo April 11th 2021, 2:03 pm

Another vase that has been in a box for a few years. The vase is 150mm in height with a matte sort of finish.
Any pointers to who made would be appreciated.Thanks,
TimSlender necked vase - Hazel Johnston  Img_2142
Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston  Img_2140
Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston  Img_2141

Number of posts : 59
Location : Buckinghamshire, England
Registration date : 2021-02-28

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Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston  Empty Re: Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston

Post by NaomiM April 11th 2021, 2:29 pm

By Hazel Johnston

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston  Empty Re: Slender necked vase - Hazel Johnston

Post by Timo April 11th 2021, 5:11 pm

Thanks once again Naomi. Looked her up online and saw some very nice things.

Number of posts : 59
Location : Buckinghamshire, England
Registration date : 2021-02-28

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