Hand painted bowl - Iris and wasp - Aesthetic?

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Hand painted bowl - Iris and wasp - Aesthetic? Empty Hand painted bowl - Iris and wasp - Aesthetic?

Post by Evocative Vintage April 6th 2021, 2:55 pm


I have a hand-painted bowl (a bit the worse for wear) which I think is interesting and would love to know a bit more about when it was made and by whom.

The bowl sits on three integral feet - reminiscent of a Chinese wooden stand, and is painted with irises, a wasp, butterflies and other flowers (possibly chrysanthemum?)

Would it fit in to the Aesthetic period, and any idea who might have made it?

Thank you
Hand painted bowl - Iris and wasp - Aesthetic? 20210416
Hand painted bowl - Iris and wasp - Aesthetic? 20210418
Hand painted bowl - Iris and wasp - Aesthetic? 20210417
Evocative Vintage
Evocative Vintage

Number of posts : 7
Location : Nottinghamshire
Registration date : 2021-04-04

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Hand painted bowl - Iris and wasp - Aesthetic? Empty Re: Hand painted bowl - Iris and wasp - Aesthetic?

Post by denbydump April 6th 2021, 3:29 pm

Yes, Probably late 19thC maybe Staffordshire, Looks like a pearl ware body.

Number of posts : 7389
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01


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