40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979

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40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979 Empty 40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979

Post by Evanlowe January 2nd 2021, 8:01 pm

Greetings, Forum! I hope someone out there might be able to shed some light on a 40-year old mystery.
In 1979, as a 9-year old boy, I found this piece on the edge of the San Francisco Bay at a yacht club in Sausalito, California. For over 40 years I've had the piece, and all my attempts to find out more about it have been fruitless. I am guessing it was not an antique of any kind when I found it, because I'm guessing the surf and turf of the shoreline would have broken it to pieces. But who knows... maybe *you* know? One thing I can say--it appears to be a little pitcher inspired by a bird, with the spout the bird's beak!

Thanks for your time and consideration!

40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979 Img-1510
40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979 Img-1511
40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979 Img-1512

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40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979 Empty Re: 40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979

Post by dantheman January 2nd 2021, 9:16 pm

I would look towards Ecuador and Peru

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40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979 Empty Re: 40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979

Post by NaomiM January 2nd 2021, 9:29 pm

It’s signed on the base so likely to have been made in the latter half of the 20C, so 1960s is very possible. Looks like a low fired raku

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40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979 Empty Re: 40-year old mystery-- found on San Francisco Bay shore in 1979

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