Information on Salisbury China Elisa Teacup trio. Any idea on date?

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Information on Salisbury China Elisa Teacup trio. Any idea on date? Empty Information on Salisbury China Elisa Teacup trio. Any idea on date?

Post by matthewjames December 5th 2020, 4:22 pm


I am looking to buy this tea trio from Etsy for a few pounds. The company is "Salisbury China England" Others are sometimes labelled "Salisbury China Bradleys England". Although it looks to be art deco I was wondering if anyone knows much about the company and their patents and backstamps?
I have tried to look online but got confused as it seems to be lots of companies merging.
And from that is it possible to determine a date of manufacture? They say late 20s, but it looks more 30s to me.

Thank you

Information on Salisbury China Elisa Teacup trio. Any idea on date? China_10
Information on Salisbury China Elisa Teacup trio. Any idea on date? China_11

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Information on Salisbury China Elisa Teacup trio. Any idea on date? Empty Re: Information on Salisbury China Elisa Teacup trio. Any idea on date?

Post by philpot December 5th 2020, 6:44 pm

Salisbury Crown China was a Staffordshire pottery circa 1927-61. They used a Crown mark like this 1927-37, they also used the word Bradleys in the top header 1927-37. The crown mark is consistent in this period, but the actual wording used seems to have differed slightly on various marks.. Elsia was obviously this particular shape name.  
            Whether you will get closer than 1927-37, I am not too sure. Staffordshire potteries were busy places back then and they often jiggled precise markings around and made many designs.
            Now what might complicate matters, is that there was actually a BRADLEYS LONGTON LTD pottery 1922-41 which was entirely separate to the Salisbury pottery. They used a similar Crown mark with  BRADLEYS on top and LONGTON MADE IN ENGLAND below, they used this 1922-28.  But they had absolutely no connection to the Salisbury pottery whatsoever.
No wonder you are confused... Laughter

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