Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon

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Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Empty Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon

Post by NaomiM October 7th 2020, 3:47 pm

Stamped N Devon and NP

Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Ndevon10
Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Ndevon12
Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Ndevon11

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32206
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Empty Re: Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon

Post by potterymad62 December 17th 2023, 7:20 pm

Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery square vase.

Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Pxl_2481
Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Pxl_2482
Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Pxl_2483
Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Pxl_2484
Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Pxl_2485
Dennis Ruthven, Nympton Pottery, Bishops Nympton, North Devon Pxl_2486

Male Number of posts : 893
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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