WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

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WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Empty WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

Post by CharlieC September 3rd 2020, 4:34 pm

Anyone know the maker? 'CP', 'LP', 'GP' ? Thanks

WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Img_7010
WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Img_7011

Number of posts : 498
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2016-05-04

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WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Empty Re: WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

Post by carolalev September 3rd 2020, 8:06 pm

It looks a lot like the mark for Pog Crafts - but not joined up like they usually do.

Female Number of posts : 295
Location : Brecon Beacons
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WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Empty Re: WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

Post by CharlieC September 3rd 2020, 8:45 pm

Found this on Pintrest... Looks a bit like the mark, but they've attributed it to Gordon Plahn, but I don't think it's his markWAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Screen10

Number of posts : 498
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2016-05-04

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WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Empty Re: WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

Post by carolalev September 3rd 2020, 9:49 pm

Search "Plahn" on this site and there is another piece with this Mark and a long discussion...

Female Number of posts : 295
Location : Brecon Beacons
Registration date : 2019-03-17

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WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Empty Re: WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

Post by CharlieC September 3rd 2020, 10:01 pm

Some debate and seemingly unresolved. Vanmann 25 May 2014 10 1/2" pale blue vase with wax resist... This pot is by the same maker as mine, same CL mark.

Number of posts : 498
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2016-05-04

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WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Empty Re: WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

Post by NaomiM September 3rd 2020, 10:18 pm

IDed as V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery Empty Re: WAX RESIST STUDIO POT, CP mark - V&B Hunt, Cambridgeshire Pottery

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