Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Agateware with shell or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by rbrown January 24th 2014, 1:30 pm

Hi, apologies in the first instant if this is a repeat request.

This item is 11.1/2" tall.
Has a impress mark on base.
Does anyone have any idea who has produced this?

[Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Copy_o33
Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Copy_o35

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM January 25th 2014, 6:36 pm

Looks like a snail shell.
There was a Snail Pottery but it's closed down and no examples of their mark.

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty backstamp in the shape of an ammonite - Ron Payne

Post by olipayton May 19th 2017, 9:15 am

Hi guys, not the most interesting of bowls perhaps but a nice backstamp. My instinct says Dorset Juassic coast as this near to us but, as is often the way I may be hundreds of miles out and it might not even be a fossil!
 photo SAM_6325_zpsajyr5vvz.jpg
 photo SAM_6327_zpssmxtphjo.jpg

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Pog Crafts style agate ware - ammonite & DR mark - Ron Payne

Post by KEITHY May 14th 2020, 6:44 pm

Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  20200510
Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  20200511

Hi all. New here, so be kind haha

I'm familiar with Pog Wares but last year i bought another piece with an impressed ammonite seal mark ( along with an  incised D and R).

I've got a few other pieces with the ammonite seal, and so far have been unable to identify the pottery. The vase shown in photos matches the pottery examples shown in a leaflet Naomi Mott posted on Pinterest, showing info on Pog pottery. The owner's initials don't match with the DR on my piece. Can anyone shed a light on this mark? It's too close in shape in the leaflet photo, not to be by Pog...

Cheers Keithy

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by Grumpy Grandad May 14th 2020, 8:07 pm

The seal is an ammonite rather than amorite, so that may have hampered your search.
Grumpy Grandad
Grumpy Grandad

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM May 14th 2020, 8:10 pm

Not Pog Crafts, imo. They have their own incised mark.
I’ve come across the DR and ammonite shell combination of marks before but not managed to ID them. There is a Drew Robins based in Somerset who also makes agate ware pots but, tbh, the only similarity is in the initials and they (he? she?) have their own stamp on their website (the website is nolonger operational)

Last edited by NaomiM on May 14th 2020, 8:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM May 14th 2020, 8:10 pm

Grumpy Grandad wrote:The seal is an ammonite rather than amorite, so that may have hampered your search.

I’ve edited the post

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32745
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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM May 14th 2020, 8:27 pm

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by KEITHY May 22nd 2020, 10:06 am

Hi. Thanks for your help folks. Yes, spelling was never my strong point. I was too lazy to check fosil name.

You're right Naomi, it probably isnt By Pog Crafts but my vase shape is so close to the ones featured in your Pog leaflet post on Pinterest, that im wondering if a mould was used by both Pog and another pottery. But throwing marks on pots doesn't help either. Mystery still ongoing... cheers

Last edited by KEITHY on May 22nd 2020, 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by KEITHY May 22nd 2020, 10:38 am

You can see why i thought it was of Pog crafts...Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  20200514

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM May 22nd 2020, 1:27 pm

I feel a little sorry for potters - such as Elli Pearson - who make agateware because Pog Crafts has flooded the market with such pieces

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM May 22nd 2020, 9:08 pm

There is mention of a David Rowe in the Marks book with a DR stamp , who made agate ware. But no mention of other versions of his mark

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by Roobarb July 9th 2020, 1:43 pm

Hello, I think this is a moulded clay dish and appears to have a shell stamp on base. Do you recognise the stamp?Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Img_5033

Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Img_5034

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM July 9th 2020, 2:57 pm

It's handbuilt; a slab of mixed clays folded into a handkerchief shape. I've come across the mark a few times on agateware like this but not managed to ID it. one of them had incised initials which might have been DR.

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by Roobarb July 9th 2020, 3:57 pm

Thank you for your info :) It's quite an unusual piece.

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM September 11th 2021, 7:05 pm

Possibly Ron Payne, who makes agateware and has a snail / shell / ammonite mark

Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  8167cd10

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by Roobarb September 17th 2021, 3:29 pm

Thank you Naomi!

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

Post by NaomiM December 13th 2023, 12:00 am

Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Img_8215Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Img_8214Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Img_8213

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Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne  Empty Re: Molded Clay Trinket Dish, spiral or ammonite mark - Ron Payne

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