Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark

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Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark Empty Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark

Post by benwilliams May 31st 2020, 7:38 am

10” stoneware bottle vase, freely painted decoration.
Well potted but no mark.
I know definite ID on such pieces is hard but any ideas?
Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark Cca70410
Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark 1e7fba10
Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark 1cfc3910

Number of posts : 2432
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark Empty Re: Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark

Post by philpot June 1st 2020, 8:00 am

Your problem is of course Ben, is where you lucky enough to live. Laughter Historically in Devon and Cornwall there have been many ,many competent potters working in Devon and Cornwall. Its a nice place to live, and the tourists have always provided a market. Indeed, Totnes has been an 'alternative' lifestyle place for near 100 years. Ever since the Elmhirsts bought Dartington.
So you see a lot of decent (lucky you!) pottery that was probably made in the 70's and which had a sticker on it which has now come off. But the problem being, that it is extremely difficult to recognise this type of vaguely Leach/Cardew by style alone, as so many potters were producing similar work.


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Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark Empty Re: Ash glaze studio bottle vase, no mark

Post by benwilliams June 1st 2020, 9:04 am

I know - it’s a well made pot but there must be hundreds of potters who worked in this kind of style. Thanks though, I’ll look for pots with stickers!

Number of posts : 2432
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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