Devon Vineger Pourer by JR.
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Grumpy Grandad- Number of posts : 867
Location : E. Midlands UK
Registration date : 2019-11-11
Re: Devon Vineger Pourer by JR.
As they are my initials, should I lie?
The way it is signed suggests "hobby potter" but it is well done and the image plus glazing are complicated.
One possibility is that it was originally unsigned and someone with my initials put the mark on the base later i.e. 1996.
The way it is signed suggests "hobby potter" but it is well done and the image plus glazing are complicated.
One possibility is that it was originally unsigned and someone with my initials put the mark on the base later i.e. 1996.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Devon Vineger Pourer by JR.
I agree, a later addition by the previous owner
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Devon Vineger Pourer by JR.
I was going to suggest that it was why JR was shot but it's not that bad.
I think it was sold through a gift shop. I'm sure there was a price sticker on when I got it, one from a pricing gun, so I assume a working potter rather than a hobbyist.
I think it was sold through a gift shop. I'm sure there was a price sticker on when I got it, one from a pricing gun, so I assume a working potter rather than a hobbyist.
Grumpy Grandad- Number of posts : 867
Location : E. Midlands UK
Registration date : 2019-11-11
Re: Devon Vineger Pourer by JR.
What kind of vandal scratches their own initials into someone elses pot? Sacrilege is what that is.
Hang on, are you confessing to something here, s-p?
Now it's been pointed out it's clear that the initials and date have been scratched into dry clay rather than incised while it was still wet, i.e. prior to first firing. It's a bloody graffiti tag rather than a maker's mark......and it ain't Banksy.
Hang on, are you confessing to something here, s-p?
Now it's been pointed out it's clear that the initials and date have been scratched into dry clay rather than incised while it was still wet, i.e. prior to first firing. It's a bloody graffiti tag rather than a maker's mark......and it ain't Banksy.
Grumpy Grandad- Number of posts : 867
Location : E. Midlands UK
Registration date : 2019-11-11
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