Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by Johners2000 May 17th 2020, 9:24 am

Hi, This vase has an both the Leach and potters mark. Sadly the marks are unclear. The form is very Trevor Corser but the mark isn’t his. The decoration reminds me of Bill Marshall and Janet Leach but again the mark isn’t theirs. I’ve asked Jeff Oestreich and John Bedding but they don’t know. Any clues would be greatly appreciated. Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase 9f4cbf10
Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase 766b0c10
Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase 8f117910

Number of posts : 500
Location : Northamptonshire
Registration date : 2017-01-04

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by studio-pots May 17th 2020, 9:35 am

What is the height and can you supply a better image of the base please?

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by Johners2000 May 17th 2020, 10:10 am

It’s 16cms. Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase B4af5210

Number of posts : 500
Location : Northamptonshire
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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by denbydump May 17th 2020, 11:27 am

Possibly AB joined? Alan Brough?

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by Johners2000 May 17th 2020, 11:35 am

Could be - close but perhaps not quite. Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase 09db6710

Number of posts : 500
Location : Northamptonshire
Registration date : 2017-01-04

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by philpot May 17th 2020, 12:03 pm

You might find this link to Ceramike interesting. On the one side are most of the potters who worked at the Leach pottery. Scroll down.

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by Johners2000 May 17th 2020, 12:11 pm

Thanks. I know Mike (slightly) he’s the archivist at Leach he doesn’t know but thought 1970s and a Trevor Corser shape.

Number of posts : 500
Location : Northamptonshire
Registration date : 2017-01-04

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by philpot May 17th 2020, 12:34 pm

If Jeff Oestrich and John Bedding do not know then that probably rules out most of the apprentices from the 70's, when the Leach Pottery were much free and easier with their marks.
John Reeve used quite an unusual mark while at the Leach Pottery, one you would nor recognise by his initials. Someone was selling such a piece on Ebay a couple of months ago. Robert Blatherwick?

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by Johners2000 May 17th 2020, 12:41 pm

I did wonder about perhaps Robert Blatherwick. I know John Reeve used unusual marks so will investigate. Interestingly I found this Janet Leach piece with similar brushwork so perhaps a pupil of hers. Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase A6d98010

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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by philpot May 17th 2020, 4:16 pm

Funny you say that. I have a Janet Leach vase which I was looking this afternoon, and and the brushwork does look similar to yours.

Number of posts : 6734
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Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase Empty Re: Leach Pottery St Ives Hakeme vase

Post by Johners2000 May 17th 2020, 4:36 pm

It does have that random spontaneous quality of Janet Leach.

Number of posts : 500
Location : Northamptonshire
Registration date : 2017-01-04

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