Combed slipware studio dish, impressed fishhook or G mark

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Combed slipware studio dish, impressed fishhook or G mark Empty Combed slipware studio dish, impressed fishhook or G mark

Post by benwilliams Wed May 13, 2020 3:21 pm

Well made. 7” long. Shaped edge.
I can’t find the mark, bit like a fish hook or G.
Combed slipware studio dish, impressed fishhook or G mark 78429210
Combed slipware studio dish, impressed fishhook or G mark 45e39810
Combed slipware studio dish, impressed fishhook or G mark 2ff78b10

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Combed slipware studio dish, impressed fishhook or G mark Empty Re: Combed slipware studio dish, impressed fishhook or G mark

Post by NaomiM Wed May 13, 2020 5:00 pm

I’ve come across it before but cant recall if it was IDed. Looks a bit like a bird

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