Need help identifying signature on studio pottery vase!

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Need help identifying signature on studio pottery vase! Empty Need help identifying signature on studio pottery vase!

Post by kurzjw May 9th 2020, 7:27 pm

Hello everybody!

I hope that someone can help me to identify the maker of a little vase with "dents". The signature seems to read Julie/Julia/Gulie/Gulia??
This item originates from a basement cleanout here in Boston MA USA, so it could be made by an American artist. There are also links with early 20th century Germany in this family. The grandfather was a museum director and National Art Director during the Weimar Republic.

Thanks for your efforts!Need help identifying signature on studio pottery vase! Img_2011
Need help identifying signature on studio pottery vase! Img_2010


Number of posts : 1
Location : Boston MA USA
Registration date : 2020-05-09

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Need help identifying signature on studio pottery vase! Empty Re: Need help identifying signature on studio pottery vase!

Post by NaomiM May 9th 2020, 7:56 pm

Looks typical of post-war US studio pottery. Likely to have been made sometime in the past 40 years imo

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