Small jug - Heyne Germany

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Small jug - Heyne Germany Empty Small jug - Heyne Germany

Post by thegreatbooboo April 16th 2020, 6:09 pm

I found this in the charity shop a while ago. I liked it so much I paid more than I usually do (4.99!).
Has a modernist German feel to it and a familiar looking signed base.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.Small jug - Heyne Germany 39c5ed10
Small jug - Heyne Germany D3fee210

Male Number of posts : 30
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Registration date : 2014-09-29

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Small jug - Heyne Germany Empty Re: Small jug - Heyne Germany

Post by Grumpy Grandad April 16th 2020, 7:19 pm

Looked at the other way around, the bottom mark is S. LA. The LA is very similar to that of a couple called Linda and Alan of Potsmiths (guessing Smith is their surname) in Sileby, Leicestershire. May be worth a look.
Grumpy Grandad
Grumpy Grandad

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Small jug - Heyne Germany Empty Re: Small jug - Heyne Germany

Post by NaomiM April 16th 2020, 9:48 pm

I have a vase that looks very similar in terms of the clay and glaze, which was German but I forget the potter. I’m sure it’s European, judging by the shape and markings

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Small jug - Heyne Germany Empty Re: Small jug - Heyne Germany

Post by thegreatbooboo April 17th 2020, 4:25 pm

Small jug - Heyne Germany 9fbc9e10

Hi thanks for your ideas. Never thought of looking at scribble the other way around it may be LA S. I also think ir ‘European’ it has that look to the glaze and ‘modernist’ look after scouring the internet I’ve found the information below however can’t get any further.
I’m thinking possibly Rudi Stahl clay, style and glaze look right (although his seem to be always fully signed) or early dumler and breiden as the shapes seem similar.
If any one could deny, confirm or suggest any other directions to investigate!

Male Number of posts : 30
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Registration date : 2014-09-29

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Small jug - Heyne Germany Empty Re: Small jug - Heyne Germany

Post by June 14th 2020, 12:30 pm

Hi guys!

This is the signature of Heyne (in former years often named Hoy) - you can read about them here on my website:


Male Number of posts : 170
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Small jug - Heyne Germany Empty Re: Small jug - Heyne Germany

Post by thegreatbooboo June 14th 2020, 2:20 pm

Thank you. Knowing who this was made by makes me inexplicably happy.

Male Number of posts : 30
Age : 45
Location : Durham UK
Registration date : 2014-09-29

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Small jug - Heyne Germany Empty Re: Small jug - Heyne Germany

Post by June 14th 2020, 2:48 pm

you are welcome :-)

Male Number of posts : 170
Location : Germany
Registration date : 2011-06-06

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