footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze

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footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze Empty footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze

Post by sukraine April 10th 2020, 5:42 pm

I thought this footed tea bowl might be Japanese but no marks, lovely red and black glaze. Any ideas or suggestions greatly appreciated. It's only small about 12cms x 7footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze Img_2082
footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze Img_2084
footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze Img_2083
ms high.

Number of posts : 98
Location : Essex
Registration date : 2015-05-17

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footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze Empty Re: footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze

Post by NaomiM April 10th 2020, 7:43 pm

Lovely. Is there a tiny mark inside the foot rim?

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footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze Empty Re: footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze

Post by sukraine April 11th 2020, 12:34 am

It does look like it on the photo will check it out tomorrow. Thanks Sue

Number of posts : 98
Location : Essex
Registration date : 2015-05-17

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footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze Empty Re: footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze

Post by studio-pots April 11th 2020, 12:09 pm

The foot suggests that it isn't Japanese.

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footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze Empty Re: footed tea bowl, might be Japanese lovely red and black glaze

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