David Leach teapot design for Highland Stoneware

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David Leach teapot design for Highland Stoneware  Empty David Leach teapot design for Highland Stoneware

Post by potterystu March 16th 2020, 8:30 am

LD HS stamp on teapot, looking for maker, thanks.

David Leach teapot design for Highland Stoneware  Pot2_e11
David Leach teapot design for Highland Stoneware  Pot_ed11

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David Leach teapot design for Highland Stoneware  Empty Re: David Leach teapot design for Highland Stoneware

Post by philpot March 16th 2020, 9:25 am

David Leach and Highland Stoneware cooperated in producing some teasets and teaware. I think they were in porcelain. Given the DL and HS printed marks this is a piece from that cooperation.  Google link to worthpoint which gives more info.


Rare David Leach Celadon Glazed Porcelain Tea Set purchased in March 2003. This was a collaboration idea between David and his friend David Grant of Highland Stoneware in Scotland. He wanted to try and have a way of producing studio wares with a industrial production system. This was the first and only attempt at producing this tea service. I don't know how many were produced but I ordered this one at David's Exhibition (Devon Guild) in Bovey Tracey Devon UK. in 2003.

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