Help identifying this large crystalline glazed piece

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Help identifying this large crystalline glazed piece Empty Help identifying this large crystalline glazed piece

Post by Cinflo December 24th 2019, 4:03 pm

I saw it and I had to have it. The shape and those spots grabbed me. Fascinated as to what was used to make those spots. And of course who made this piece. On the bottom is a circular felt piece to protect the bottom. On that felt is a signature that I am having a hard time making out (pic2).
The piece is roughly 6in high and 6 inches wide, weighs about 2-3lbs.
Thanks in advance.

Help identifying this large crystalline glazed piece 20191211

Help identifying this large crystalline glazed piece 20191212

Help identifying this large crystalline glazed piece 20191210

Number of posts : 5
Location : Portland Oregon
Registration date : 2019-12-22

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Help identifying this large crystalline glazed piece Empty Re: Help identifying this large crystalline glazed piece

Post by NaomiM December 24th 2019, 4:35 pm

Lovely piece, with crystalline glaze. Unfortunately without a clear signature there’s not much to go on. A lot of US potters sign their pots; often illegally

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