Pair of Terracotta Figures

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Pair of Terracotta Figures Empty Pair of Terracotta Figures

Post by Hierocles October 27th 2019, 10:20 pm

I have had these for several years and after our remodel finally brought them out of storage. It is a male and female figure, Caribbean perhaps. They each stand approximately 16" high with the base. They appear to be terra cotta clay that has been cold painted. She has a bowl with fruit in her hands. I don't know if the covering on her head is supposed to be hair or some sort of head cover. The Female figure is 15" tall x 4 1/2" across and about 4" deep. She is mounted on a dark brown lacquered wood stand that is 4 3/8" in diameter x 1" thick.

The Male figure is also 15" tall x 5" across x 4" deep and is also mounted on a dark brown lacquered wood stand (the lacquer has come off of this stand in several places) that is also 4 3/8" diameter x 1" thick. He is shirtless and wearing a head piece or hat and holding fruit in his arms. Both figures are mounted to the wood bases with what looks like treaded lamp pipe and a nut. I think the pipe was used as part of an armature for the figures - in the photo of the bottom of the female figure you can also see bent copper wire on either side of the pipe.

They are unmarked. I love these pieces and have been trying to identify the maker and their age. This is the first time I've actually posted them anywhere and I am hoping someone may have some information. Thank you in advance.Pair of Terracotta Figures Dsc04317
Pair of Terracotta Figures Dsc04316
Pair of Terracotta Figures Dsc04318

Number of posts : 50
Location : Palm Springs, CA
Registration date : 2017-05-19

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Pair of Terracotta Figures Empty Re: Pair of Terracotta Figures

Post by Hierocles October 27th 2019, 10:24 pm

Pair of Terracotta Figures Dsc04319
Pair of Terracotta Figures Dsc04321
Pair of Terracotta Figures Dsc04320

Number of posts : 50
Location : Palm Springs, CA
Registration date : 2017-05-19

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Pair of Terracotta Figures Empty Re: Pair of Terracotta Figures

Post by studio-pots October 29th 2019, 8:34 pm

The style suggests that they are Art Deco (from the 1930s) but the metal fittings suggest that they could well be 21st century.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Pair of Terracotta Figures Empty Re: Pair of Terracotta Figures

Post by 22 Crawford St. October 29th 2019, 9:41 pm

That base screw in the last photo looks almost new. How long have you owned these?
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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Pair of Terracotta Figures Empty Re: Pair of Terracotta Figures

Post by squirrelboy70 October 30th 2019, 1:42 am

They look like classic 1940's/1950's California pottery to me. Brayton Laguna is the first name that came to mind.

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Pair of Terracotta Figures Empty Re: Pair of Terracotta Figures

Post by Hierocles November 5th 2019, 2:00 am

I've owned these since around 1984. I purchased them at an auction in Seattle Washington. I did replace the nut on the base in the last photo. As I recall, I had taken them apart trying to find signatures and somehow lost the nut that was on it. I cleaned the lamp pipes with a wire brush when I took them apart because of dirt and grime and so the nuts would go back on easier. I've included photos of the bottom of the other figure with the base on and off. The cut out opening on the bottom of this one is smaller than the one on the other base.

Pair of Terracotta Figures Dsc04323
Pair of Terracotta Figures Dsc04322

Number of posts : 50
Location : Palm Springs, CA
Registration date : 2017-05-19

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