Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac

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Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac Empty Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac

Post by touchdry September 13th 2019, 6:23 am

Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac Dom111
Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac Dom211
Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac Dom311

This sgraffito lampbase is marked "Dominik" and "Mornac" but there is no online information on "Dominik" - could it be "Pominik" instead? This is an eastern European term - perhaps Polish? Regarding "Mornac" there is such a town in the Charente Maritime, France ... and there was a pottery there up until the 80,s but no mention of a "Dominik" only Michel Spire. I bought this in the Charente. Does anyone recognise anything here?

Male Number of posts : 221
Age : 73
Location : France
Registration date : 2018-08-13

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Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac Empty Re: Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac

Post by tenpot September 14th 2019, 5:23 pm

I'd say it must come from Spires poterry in Mornac not much in formation , a bit on 'place des ours' the french site

Male Number of posts : 2637
Age : 71
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Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac Empty Re: Sgraffito Lampbase marked Dominik and Mornac

Post by touchdry September 14th 2019, 5:32 pm

Thanks tenpot,
I have contacted les ours and it was suggested that I contact Terramornac association which has access to art events info in the area. Perhaps they will say the same thing - that Michel Spires had an assistant or student going by the name Dominik. I am waiting for them to respond. I have also been in contact with Annette Tassi of anseta to see if she can give me any more info.

Male Number of posts : 221
Age : 73
Location : France
Registration date : 2018-08-13

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