Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece

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Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Empty Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece

Post by abstract toad September 7th 2019, 6:19 pm

This is unsigned, but unusual & possibly unique enough to be obvious to anyone that is familiar with the sculptors work.
I am not sure whether it is meant to be a functional piece, the recess looks taylor made to house a plant pot, but I am only guessing.
Unlikely, in my opinion, to be a hobby potter. The small face to its reverse side is well done, as it pretty much everything else. A pity it has suffered damage, but such an unusual piece I could not pass it by.
Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Wp_20177
Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Wp_20178
Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Wp_20179

abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01

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Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Empty Re: Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece

Post by abstract toad September 7th 2019, 6:23 pm

Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Wp_20180
Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Wp_20182
Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Wp_20181
abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01

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Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Empty Re: Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece

Post by philpot September 8th 2019, 6:52 am

What an interesting piece! Full of character, I see why you got it. Looks a well made piece, but very difficult to place, as it is so unusual.

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Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Empty Re: Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece

Post by abstract toad September 8th 2019, 10:04 am

Isn't it an odd one Phil, it has me baffled. When I found it I thought it may have been an attempt at Shakespeare, it may well be, but then I discovered the screaming head at the base of the reverse and am not so sure. My other half think it looks like darth vader.
The subject matter , to me, seems quite disturbed and dark, going by what I usually pick up, but the glaze is fabulous. The person I purchased it from believes it to be a piece by a student potter, but it is quite intricate & well made, hence my doubts about that.
abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
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Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Empty Re: Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece

Post by NaomiM September 8th 2019, 1:16 pm

I think it might be Tony Bristow. He made some weird pieces when in Malta

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Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece Empty Re: Thoughts invited on this unusual sculpted piece

Post by abstract toad September 8th 2019, 3:29 pm

Thank you Naomi, again Clap

Just having a gander at their site, what a kaleidoscope of colours, nice.
abstract toad
abstract toad

Number of posts : 524
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-06-01

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