Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent

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Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  Empty Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent

Post by benwilliams August 29th 2019, 1:08 pm

Quite a heavy piece, speckled grey glaze, painted in brown.
Marked with a shield or spade shape mark but details filled with glaze.
Not many potters used a mark this shape.

Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  385d9710
Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  7df93710
Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  04caba10

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  Empty Re: Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent

Post by benwilliams May 23rd 2024, 9:53 am

Tony Dasent - lovely pots but shape looks more rounded than this mark. I had a look in book at marks with a shield shape - Andre Palin, John Leach, Lyndon Thomas & Own Thorpe were ones I checked, but none look right for this mark. I’ve taken a hopefully better photo and I can see a shape at one end shown in drawing. Looks older, 1960s or so. Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  Img_5611
Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  Img_5610
? any good with ID before it’ heads to market?

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  Empty Re: Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent

Post by NaomiM May 23rd 2024, 1:11 pm

Closest I can find is Darren Ellis. Apparently his early mark was the base of a cigarette lighter

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Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent  Empty Re: Stoneware globe studio fish vase, D mark, maybe Tony Dasent

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