Iris Schöne

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Iris Schöne Empty Iris Schöne

Post by NaomiM August 18th 2019, 9:30 pm

Via The Stratford Gallery:
Born in Bad Langensalza ( former East Germany ) in 1971 Iris Schöne trained as a restorer and conservator of artworks after school. Following on from that she then trained as a potter and worked in various potteries in Germany until she gained her Master Craftsman's Diploma in Ceramics in 1996. From 1996 - 9 Iris worked with Wendelin Stahl, during with time she was elected into the German Federal Association of Artists in Saxony.
Iris founded her workshop in Upper Lusatia in 1997 where she creates wood fired and salt glazed stoneware for every day use in small batch productions or as individual pieces.

Iris Schöne 1315c610

Iris Schöne 08a68010 Iris Schöne F6fe4510 Iris Schöne 40256810

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32459
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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