Bizen ware style vase with shino glaze splash, T mark?

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Bizen ware style vase with shino glaze splash, T mark?  Empty Bizen ware style vase with shino glaze splash, T mark?

Post by NaomiM April 22nd 2019, 8:45 pm

An unidentified punt off eBay which I thought was by Robin Walden but it’s not his mark in the book. Maybe Japanese or French?

Bizen ware style vase with shino glaze splash, T mark?  D7e1f410

Bizen ware style vase with shino glaze splash, T mark?  D94dfa10 Bizen ware style vase with shino glaze splash, T mark?  D6ab9610 Bizen ware style vase with shino glaze splash, T mark?  A3dc7710

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