Muriel Linton, Riverina Pottery, Oxford

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Muriel Linton, Riverina Pottery, Oxford Empty Muriel Linton, Riverina Pottery, Oxford

Post by NaomiM Mon Apr 08, 2019 2:50 am

Just reading up on this potter and watercolourist who was potting in Oxford in 1920-30. She knew Bernard Leach and corresponded with him about using Shotover sand in porcelain. One of her sgraffito and slipware dishes.

Muriel Linton, Riverina Pottery, Oxford Mlinto10 Muriel Linton, Riverina Pottery, Oxford Mlinto11 Muriel Linton, Riverina Pottery, Oxford Mlinto12

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32726
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-16

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