Pixie marching band figurines

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Pixie marching band figurines  Empty Pixie marching band figurines

Post by NaomiM March 13th 2019, 7:23 pm

Not sure if this should be in plastics or metals. I’m assuming it has a metal armature inside. It seems to be cast in a solid chalk and plastic mix, with some reworking round the ground to make the grass etc. The figures look Scandinavian or German. I’m guessing it’s Mid Century in date or earlier. Unsigned.

Pixie marching band figurines  Ab0b8810

Pixie marching band figurines  A2c8b310 Pixie marching band figurines  3f4ad210 Pixie marching band figurines  Ed4c2410
Pixie marching band figurines  18ec2610 Pixie marching band figurines  Bafe3d10

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